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(see Health Site Map for Health topics

New Laws in:


Budget Process Reform 2005 Constitutional Proposal
Budget Process Reform 2006
Budget Process Statute 2007
Bond Issue 2005 Ballot

Child Care
Car Seats Installation  
Car Seats Information
Challenging Assessment
College Financial Aid
Community Pages

Directions to  Community Office
Epic Drug Program
Epic Drug Program update of 2007 changes
Emergency Checklist
Energy Saving Tips

Frequently Asked Questions about New York State
       and its government

Gardasil Vaccine

Health Site Map
Health Care Proxy
Health Care Commission
Hofstra Women's Lacrosse Photos 2009
Hurricane Preparation

Identity Theft Prevention (PDF)
Income Taxes
Insurance, Health
Internet Safety for Kids

Laws, New in: 2008  2007, 2006,
                            2005, 2004, 2003    
Lemon Law (PDF)
Living Will

Map of Sixth Senate District
     (Detailed Map of 6th SD)
Medicaid Reform: Report of  Senate Task Force
Medicaid Fraud: Summary of Senate Work
Medicare Drug Program
Megan's Law

Privacy Policy
Purple Heart

Real Property Taxes
    Challenging Assessment
    2006 Real Property Tax Rebate
    2007 Real Property Tax Rebate
    2008 Real Property Tax Rebate
Reverse Mortgages (AARP Information)

School Aid
School Aid 1995 onward
School Bus Safety
Senior Citizen Programs
STAR & Enhanced STAR
STAR Rebate Checks (2008)
State Agencies

Tax Cuts 2006
Taxes, Electronic Filing
Tax Rebate 2008

West Nile Virus
World Trade Center Assistance