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Challenging a Tax Assessment

    In Nassau County the assessment on a parcel of real property
is the key to determining the real property taxes payable for that
property.  The actual determination of a government's revenue is
the function of the county, town, village or school adopting a
yearly budget. The assessing part of the process, whereby an
individual property is valued, is conducted by the Nassau County
Assessor.  Hearing a challenge to that assessment is the task
of the Nassau County Assessment Review Commission, whose
decision can itself be challenged in court or for residential
property owners, in a small claims court. 

    With the ongoing updates to assessments  taking effect each
year, many homeowners are interested in challenging their
assessment.  The Nassau County Assessor and the Nassau
County Assessment Review Commission have made a wealth
of information and forms available on the internet.

This page uses both sources so you can intelligently challenge
your own assessment or gather information for an informal
consultation with the Assessment Review Commission or
consult with the lawyers and services who will challenge
an assessment on your behalf (the fee for which is often a
percentage of the amount recovered)

    Outlined below are the needed links to determine your
assessment ( and anyone else's), an explanation of how to
do the challenge and the forms necessary .

     A explanation, by the Department of Assessment, as to the
process followed to determine your assessment and their
practice (it is no longer mandated by the Court) of updating
the assessments can be found here

            Application Forms:  

       Form AR 1                     One, Two Three Family House
       Form AR 1 Instructions

       Other property types have specific forms which can be
       obtained at the Assessment Review Commission's
       web site:   www.nassaucountyny.gov/agencies/ARC/index.html

            Look Up an Assessment (click here)  
       With just the street address  you can determine your own
       assessment as well as the assessment of any other parcel
       of land in Nassau County.

            Challenging an Assessment. 
      Using the outline of the County Assessment Review
      Commission, you can have most questions answered.


                   "The"  Court Order        
            Here you can read the original court order triggering the
      the initial reassessment .

               Forms for STAR and other Real Property Tax exemptions        


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Revised: January 31, 2007 .