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Applying for aid to attend college in New York State is now easier than ever!
Tuition Assistance Program (TAP)
     The NYS TAP program is intended to assist with the tuition costs at New York colleges and schools.
     To be eligible for TAP, the student must be a New York State resident and attend an eligible school or college located in New York State. The student must file a "Free Application for Federal Student Aid "  (FAFSA).

     Remember to list a college in New York state when you file your FAFSA form in the year you plan to attend college.
     The FAFSA form is the key to applying for aid such as campus-based programs, including grants, on-campus work, student loans, as well as select scholarships and state grants. TAP helps many New York residents meet the costs of a higher education.

     New York residents will automatically receive a TAP application when they include the name of an in-state college on the FAFSA form. The Higher Education Services Corporation (HESC) strongly encourages residents to apply online as their "TAP on the Web" has been streamlined for your convenience.
     You can visit their site directly at HESC.org. For the year 2006, the net income eligibility limit for a family is $80,000. To quickly determine if you are within these guidelines check line 37 from your New York State IT-201 tax form or line 25 on your New York State IT-150 tax form.
      It is always best to apply for financial aid as income levels vary depending upon the number of dependents and deductions taken on your tax return which can influence your bottom line income level. Please feel free to contact any college financial aid office for specific questions that they may be able to assist you with further.



Federal Student Financial Aid Deadlines


The 2006-2007 School Year (July 1, 2006 - June 30, 2007):
FAFSA on the Web, Renewal FAFSA on the Web, and applications must be submitted by midnight Central Daylight time, July 2, 2007.


Corrections on the Web forms must be submitted by midnight Central Daylight time, September 17, 2007.


     It is important to note the type of deadline you are up against. Ask your school about their definition of an application deadline, whether it is the "receipt date and time "or the "process date and time "of the application.

The Department of Education considers an application's receipt date and time to be when the application/correction has been successfully submitted. The last page of the online application/correction submission process is therefore called the "Confirmation Page". It contains a 22 (if an application) or 30 (if a correction) character long "Confirmation Number". This number contains the exact date and time (Central Standard Time) the form was received. It is recommended you print this for your records.
Note: Transactions must be completed and accepted by midnight to meet the deadline. If transmissions are started before midnight but are not completed until after midnight, those transmissions will not meet the deadline. In addition, any transmission picked up on the deadline date that gets rejected may not be able to be reprocessed because the deadline will have passed by the time the user gets the information notifying him/her of the reject.

For more information about financing college, see a complete list at the "Financial Aid A to Z's"

For a summary of loans, scholarships, grants and tax credits pertaining to higher education, please visit New York State  Higher Education Service Corporation



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Revised: May 24, 2007 .