This policy describes what data is collected by this website and how that information is used. The website administrator may, at its sole discretion, change modify, add, or delete portions of this policy. Because this privacy policy only applies to this website, you should examine the privacy policy of any website you access through this website.

Information Collected When You Visit this Website

No information is automatically collected from a user who visits this website, either actively or passively (e.g. via "cookies").

Information Collected When You E-Mail this Website

If during your visit to this website you send an e-mail to Senator Hannon, your e-mail address and the contents of your e-mail will be collected for the purposes of responding to your e-mail, providing you with additional information about the subject matter of your e-mail, and providing you with additional information about your elected representatives .

The information collected is not limited to text characters and may include audio, video, and graphic information formats you send us. The information will be for an indeterminate period of time.

If you do not send an e-mail to this website, it does not affect your ability to use any other features of this website.

Currently, this website does not knowingly collect information from children. People are cautioned that information provided by any individual in an e-mail will be treated as information given by an adult. This website encourages parents and teachers to be involved in children's Internet activities and guide children whenever children are asked to provide personal information on-line.

Disclosure of Information Collected Through This Website

Information collected through this website, personal or otherwise, may, if not protected by federal or state law, be subject to disclosure pursuant to law, such as by court order.

Additionally, this website may disclose personal information to federal or state law enforcement authorities to enforce its rights against unauthorized access or attempted unauthorized access to the information on, or collected through, this website.


Access to information collected through this website is limited to employees of the State Senate and employees of Senator Kemp Hannon. The information contained in this policy should not be construed in any way as giving business, legal, or other advice, or warranting as fail-proof, the security of information provided via this website.

Links Disclaimer

In order to provide visitors with certain information, this website provides links to local, state and federal government agencies, and websites of other organizations. A link does not constitute an endorsement of the content, viewpoint, accuracy, opinions, policies, products, services, or accessibility of that website. Once you link to another website from this website, including one maintained by the state, you are subject to the terms and conditions of that website, including, but not limited to, its privacy policy.

Information Disclaimer

Information provided on this website is intended to allow the public immediate access to public information. While all attempts are made to provide accurate, current, and reliable information, this website recognizes the possibility of human and/or mechanical error. Therefore, neither this website, nor Senator Kemp Hannon, nor any employees of the New York State Senate or of Senator Kemp Hannon, make any representations as to the accuracy, completeness, currency, or suitability of the information provided by this website, and deny any expressed or implied warranty as to the same.

Policy Last Updated: June 19, 2001.