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New Laws in 2004

Contents (click to access)

City of New York Wicks Law Change


Business Corporation Law


Civil Practice Law and Rules


Correction Law


Criminal Procedure Law


Election Law


Estates, Powers and Trusts Law


Executive Law


General Business Law


General Municipal Law


Judiciary Law


Lien Law


Penal Law


Private Housing Finance Law


Public Officers Law


Real Property Actions and Proceedings Law


Real Property Law


Retirement and Social Security Law


Vehicle and Traffic Law




Administrative Code N Y City- Wicks Law Change  (index)

Chapter 134 amends the Administrative Code of the City of New York to extend the New York City School Construction Authority's exemption from the Wicks Law for five additional years.  


Business Corporation Law (index)

Chapter 93 amends paragraph (a) of section 803 of the Business Corporation Law in relation to the amendment of certificates of incorporation. This chapter becomes effective on the 180th day after May 25, 2004.


Civil Practice Law and Rules (index)

Chapter 26 makes a technical correction to section 2303 of the CPLR (amended in 2003 by chapter 547) to clarify the requirement that a copy of any subpoena duces tecum be served on each party applies only to civil judicial proceedings.  This chapter took effect immediately and is deemed to have been in full force and effect on and after January 1, 2004.


Chapter 66 creates a new subdivision (d) to Rule 3113 of the CPLR, which establishes a procedure to permit parties to a civil lawsuit to conduct depositions by telephone or other electronic means.  This chapter will take effect on January 1, 2005.


Correction Law  (index)

Chapter 106 repeals section 168-v of the Correction Law, in relation to disseminating a false registered sex offender notice.  This chapter took effect on August 7, 2004.

Criminal Procedure Law  (index)

Chapter 107 amends several subdivisions of section 330.20 and section 140.10 of the Criminal Procedure Law authorizing the court, following a verdict of not responsible by reason of mental disease or defect, to place certain special conditions on the activities and behavior of the defendant. This chapter took effect on June 8, 2004.


Election Law (index)

Chapter 77 extends provisions of sections 7-114 and 9-102 of the Election Law related to write-in vote opportunities for an additional year.  This chapter took effect upon the governor's signature on May 11, 2004.


Estates, Powers and Trusts Law  (index)

Chapter 82 amends section 10-10.1 of the Estates, Powers and Trusts Law to make restrictions on the exercise of a power to distribute principal or allocate income.  This chapter took effect upon the governor's signature on May 18, 2004.


Executive Law (index)

Chapter 107 amends section 221-a of the Executive Law authorizing the court, following a verdict of not responsible by reason of mental disease or defect, to place certain special conditions on the activities and behavior of the defendant. This chapter took effect on June 8, 2004.


General Business Law (index)

Chapter 74
amends Article 24-B of the General Business Law to preserve and promote competition in the marketing of motor fuel in New York State.  The chapter makes it unlawful for any refiner to sell any grade or quality of motor fuel at one of its retail outlets at a price less than 95% of the price such refiner charges any wholesaler or dealer where the effect is to injure competition.  This chapter takes effect on the 180th day after May 11, 2004.


Chapter 255 amends section 391-b of the General Business Law to clarify and strengthen restrictions on manufacturing clothing with drawstrings.  This chapter became effective on July 27, 2004.


Chapter 417 amends paragraph a of subdivision 6 of section 399-z of the General Business Law to increase the fine for violating the provisions of the State No Telemarketing Sales Calls Statewide Registry from $5,000 to $11,000, which is the current level under the National Do Not Call Registry.  This Chapter became effective on August 26, 2004.


General Municipal Law(index)

Chapter 132 amends section 207-q of the General Municipal Law to extend for an additional two years certain presumptions related to uniformed members of a paid fire department with lung disease.


Judiciary Law(index)

Chapter 240 amends portions of section 524 of the Judiciary Law to increase the period of disqualification of former members of either a grand or petit jury, and provides for an exception to such provision where compliance is impracticable.  This chapter took effect on July 27, 2004 and applies to jurors whose jury service commences on or after such date.


Lien Law(index)

Chapter 155 amends section 5 of the Lien Law to require a payment bond where no public fund has been established for the financing of a public improvement.  This chapter becomes effective on the 120th day after July 20, 2004.


Chapter 168 adds a new section 44-b to the Lien Law to remove necessary party status from the state or a public corporation under certain circumstances.  This act became effective on July 20, 2004.


Penal Law(index)

Chapter 40 amends paragraph (d) of subdivision 2 of section 130.05 of the Penal Law to remove reference to "deviate sexual intercourse" and replace such reference with "oral sexual conduct or anal sexual conduct".  This chapter took effect upon the governor's signature on April 20, 2004.


Chapter 106 adds a new section 240.48 to the Penal Law making the dissemination of a false registered sex offender notice a class A misdemeanor.  This chapter took effect on August 7, 2004.


Private Housing Finance Law(index)

Chapter 253 grants municipalities the authority to restructure the rents of dwelling units in buildings acquired by the federal government as the result of foreclosure of a mortgage loan insured or held by the federal government. Such restructuring is conditioned upon the rehabilitation of any such property.  This chapter took effect on July 27, 2004 and expires 5 years after such date.


Public Officers Law(index)

Chapter 96 amends paragraph (r) of subdivision 1 of section 17 of the Public Officers Law to extend the benefit of State indemnification and defense to the directors, officers and employees of any tax lien entity of the State of New York Municipal Bond bank Agency.  This chapter took effect upon the governor's signature on May 25, 2004.


Real Property Actions and Proceedings Law(index)

Chapter 149 extends through June 30, 2007 the City of New York's authority under subdivision 10 of section 778 of the Real Property Actions and Proceedings Law to reduce liens on Article 7-A properties to zero for municipally financed repairs.

Real Property Law(index)

Chapter 61 amends paragraph (a) of subdivision 2 of section 242 of the Real Property Law to require sellers of real property to make certain disclosures related to water main surcharges.  This chapter shall take effect on the 180th day after it became law on May 4, 2004.


Retirement and Social Security Law(index)

Chapter 132 amends section 363-f of the Retirement and Social Security Law to extend for an additional two years certain presumptions related to uniformed members of a paid fire department with lung disease.


Vehicle and Traffic Law(index)

Chapter 302 adds a new section 1117 to the Vehicle and Traffic Law to establish a procedure for proceeding where traffic-control signals malfunction.  This chapter becomes effective on November 1, 2004.


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