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Help with the Cost of Prescription Drugs

The cost of prescription drugs is a concern to consumers and health care professionals. Not all health care plans offer prescription coverage, and to Long Islanders who have little or no health care coverage, the cost of drugs is often beyond their reach. A recent Harris poll indicated that up to 40% of low-income adults, when forced to choose between paying bills and taking needed medications, chose not to take their medications at all.

I and my colleagues led the way in creating the New York State EPIC program, the best drug program for seniors in the nation, as we saw a healthcare policy stalemate evolve in Washington.  In addition to the NY EPIC program, I want to reference other possibilities for savings. If you have not considered enrolling in EPIC, then click onto its website and explore the eligibility requirements and its benefits: EPIC click here

Price Comparison

The Internet offers several avenues for information about prices for drugs and for the purchase of drugs. One useful tool is the price comparison web site sponsored by NY Attorney General Spitzer. One can enter the name of the drug sought to be purchased, the geographic area (county, city, zip code) and have a survey of prices turn up on the screen.

While limitations exist (timeliness, comparison to mail order pharmacies, no guarantee the price will remain as posted), this site is useful for New Yorkers to check on drug prices.

New York State Attorney General's Office Prescription Drug Price

Canadian Ordering

While many constituents, and many NY State residents I met during the Senate Medicaid Taskforce Roundtables throughout NY, have had a positive experience in purchasing drugs from Canada, either in person or over the internet, I face, as an individual Senator, and the State Government faces as an entity, the difficulty of recommending either an individual site, an individual vendor, or an individual not-for-profit group as a vehicle or channel to Canadian purchasing.  That's because of the necessity of testing, verification, credentialing and oversight being the prerequisites to such a program.  The State government has the additional hurdle of meeting the procedures for re-importation set forth in Federal law (an avenue the Senate Taskforce  recommends pursuing). I continue to look for a specific site to recommend and would call your attention to the cautions and sites which the NY STATEWIDE Senior Action Council sets forth on their web site.

Drug Company Discount Programs

[NOTE: I initiated the following discussion on this website when no EPIC and Medicare part D had been passed.  Even ordering from Canada was then a little used option.  The following material has been left up for the people who might be able to take advantage of one or more discount plans. I would ask you read this web site (NPR: Prescription Drug Discounts) which is an interview on NPR with Tricia Neuman of the Kaiser Family Foundation, discussing the prescription drug discount programs and some of their characteristics. ]

[SECOND NOTE. After Medicare Part D was passed most of these programs were ended
or suspended due to rulings by the Federal Department of CMS questioning there legality. In April 2006, CMS clarified the programs were legal]

The pharmaceutical industry has taken notice of the reaction to high drug prices and created programs to help those in need. Companies such as Pfizer and Glaxo Smith Kline have money-saving programs especially for seniors in addition to programs for low-income adults.

Most of these programs require the services of a health care advocate (usually your doctor) to attest to your eligibility and file the paperwork on your behalf. When you are visiting the doctor, make sure to ask him or her if the drug is available through a Patient Assistance Program. To be eligible for most of these programs, you must show a financial and medical need, and have no access to another prescription drug plan.


NOTE If you are a senior citizen already enrolled in New York State's EPIC program, you will most likely not be eligible for these programs. However, if you are using the product(s) of one particular pharmaceutical company, it may be more cost-efficient for you to use the pharmaceutical company's specific cost-savings initiative rather than be enrolled in EPIC. [Also, look also into the timing of your joining each program]  

    The trade association of the drug manufacturers has a specific page on its web site listing a link to each company  offering a discount program; I list that page here as a shortcut to you; given the large number of companies and the different approaches taken  I cannot guarantee each link will work or will lead to the correct information for that company, or even if the company will continue to offer the program.  The link is               http://www.phrma.org/searchcures/dpdpap/                           

There is a commercial web site, probably assisted by the pharmaceutical companies themselves, which has a comprehensive list of these programs, as well as a directory of sources of drugs, generic and brand.  I list it here, not with any endorsement, but because it appears  to be uniquely useful.  [Comments and other sources are welcome.]  It is http://www.destinationrx.com

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