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Long Term Care

As with many aspects of health care in NY, long term care has
no precise definition, while at the same time having several layers
of service categories.

Over the past four years I have offered seminars on Long
term care, elder law and estate planning. Given the increasing
numbers of retirees (and those seriously focused on retiring), need
for care and shifting estate tax laws and options, attendance has
been high with most completely filled.

Some of that information is offered here:         

Nursing Homes 
            Comparisons and
   Selection and Criteria 

             New York State Nursing Home Profiles 
                       (Search by Zip Code; See list of Performance

Home Health Care

            Home Health Care Under Medicare

            Paying for Home Health Care in NY

            Finding Home Health Care in New York

            Home Health Care 101




For More Information

Also see the material
on Health Insurance,
including Long Term
Care Insurance

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  (c) 2007 - KempHannon