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Discount Drug Card For EPIC Enrollees

Not Eligible for Low Income Assistance


The following two EPIC enrollees are comparing their current EPIC plans with two potential discount drug cards. Each senior takes the same two drugs, but due to their income levels pay very different out of pocket expenses. Senior A learns after her comparison that EPIC is the best plan for her. She will stay in the EPIC program and not join a Medicare Discount Card plan. Senior B, however, learns that Discount Card #2 will actually save him more than $150 over EPIC. He will stay in the EPIC program, but also join Discount Card #2. This example clearly indicates that EPIC enrollees should investigate whether or not a discount card will provide them a better discount based on their medications, their income, and their current EPIC plan.

EPIC Senior A

Annual Income - $16,500 - ineligible for the low income assistance credit from Medicare

Enrolled in the EPIC Fee Plan - pays an annual fee of $140 based on income level

Currently takes two prescription drugs

º Atenolol (cardiovascular disease medication)

º Anaprox (arthritis medication)

Pays a $20 co-pay per drug, per refill and has both drugs refilled 4 times each year

Annual pharmacy cost of prescriptions would be $925 without any discount program

º Atenolol - $540/year

º Anaprox - $385/year


EPIC Senior A




Card #1


Card #2

Out of Pocket Expenses:      
Annual EPIC Fee $140.00 $140.00 $140.00
Annual Card Fee --- $19.95 $30.00
Annual Deductible $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Annual Co-pay $160.00 $0.00 $0.00
Pharmacy Drug Costs without ANY discount: $925.00 $925.00 $925.00
Out of Pocket Subtotal: $300.00* $1,084.95 $1,095.00
EPIC $625.00 --- ---
Atenolol --- 15% or $81 per year 25% or $135 per year
Anaprox --- 0% 15% or $58 per year
Savings Subtotal: $625.00 $81.00 $193.00


$300.00* $1,003.95** $902.00


$625.00 ($78.95)** $23.00


* EPIC enrollees in the Fee Plan only pay their fee and their co-pays out of pocket, and the remainder of their expenses are paid by EPIC.

** With Discount Card #1, Senior A must pay the EPIC fee and the discount card fee in order to remain in both plans. The total savings with the plan is only $81, for one of the two drugs. The other is not discounted by the card at all. As a result, Senior A will actually spend more out of pocket than the actual pharmacy costs of the drugs.

EPIC Senior B:

Annual Income - $32,000 -ineligible for low income assistance from Medicare

Enrolled in the EPIC Deductible Plan - must meet a $960 deductible before EPIC

discounts begin

Currently takes two prescription drugs

º Atenolol (cardiovascular disease medication)

º Anaprox (arthritis medication)

Will only pay co-pays when the annual deductible has been met

Annual pharmacy cost of prescriptions would be $925 without any discount program

º Atenolol - $540/year

º Anaprox - $385/year


EPIC Senior B







Out of Pocket Expenses:      
Annual EPIC Fee $0.00 --- ---
Annual Card Fee --- $19.95 $30.00
Annual Deductible $960.00* $960.00** $960.00**
Annual Co-pays $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Pharmacy Drug Costs without ANY discount: $925.00 $925.00 $925.00
Out of Pocket Subtotal: $925.00 $944.95 $955.00
EPIC $0.00 --- ---
Atenolol --- 15% or $81 per year 25% or $135 per year
Anaprox --- 0% 15% or $58 per year
Savings Subtotal: $0.00 $81.00 $193.00


$925.00 $863.95 $762.00


$0.00* $61.05 $163.00

*Under EPIC, Senior B will receive no savings because the total pharmacy cost of $925 does not meet the annual deductible of $960. This deductible must be met before EPIC benefits begin.

**The EPIC deductible will still apply for those who choose to join a discount card.

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