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Legislature overrides Pataki veto of Medicare safety net

ALBANY, N.Y. The state Legislature unanimously voted to override Governor Pataki's veto of a Medicare drug plan safety net bill.

The bill would indefinitely provide a safety net for New Yorkers unable to get their medication through the new Medicare drug plan.

The "wraparound" program in New York state covers any prescription drugs for the disabled and low-income seniors when they are unable to obtain them through the new federal drug plan, known as Part D.

Under the bill, that safety net would remain in place indefinitely until the state health commissioner deemed it no longer necessary.

Pataki is proposing to end the wraparound July 1st in his budget. He said the bill wasn't necessary because problems surrounding the drug plan should be worked out by then. After the deadline, Pataki promised to take additional measures if problems still existed.

State Health Commissioner Antonia Novello says the wraparound cost the state 68 (m) million dollars in January alone.

Copyright 2006 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.



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Revised: March 04, 2006 .