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Salisbury-Clark-BB-2002-HS-.jpg (38986 bytes)
Celebrating Clark H S's State Championship
      Salisbury_site_for_East_Meadow_Soccer_Club_Dscn0314.jpg (612538 bytes)
Opening  new field for E M Soccer Club
SalisburyCentralNassau-LL.jpg (31427 bytes)
Little League Opening
             Sal-Spking-9-11-02--BowlingGreen.jpg (46206 bytes)
Bowling Green on  9/11's


Sal 9 11 02 Bowling Green.jpg (38628 bytes)
 'Color guard' of 
students with relatives assisting at
Ground Zero

Salisbury-Knolls-Streich-DS.jpg (20181 bytes)
Awarding Postman
Streich the Liberty Medal for heroism at the Knolls
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