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Hempstead gained its reputation as “The Hub” as a result of its central role in the lives of Long Islanders. As the oldest community in Nassau, it became the pivotal location for all public transportation, and the ultimate location for shoppers. The community sprang up on this location because the first English settlers were able to first establish the area because nearby converging streams created fertile land and accessible water. The location of the settlement now houses St. George’s Church facing Front Street.

A convention was called in Hempstead during 1665 in order to write a new code of law under the new governor Richard Nicolls. During the Revolution, Hempstead residents strongly protested “taxation without representation”. This sentiment was emphasized when the convention was not to rewrite law, but to sign the duke’s previously established law.

It is of interest that although the Village had its own volunteer fire department since 1832, any male who refused to assist in putting out a fire would incur a fine of $3. During the late 1800's and early 1900's, the Village of Hempstead served as a summer home for many of America’s affluent. Some notables include August Belmont, Arthur Brisbane, Elliott Roosevelt (father of future first lady Eleanor), and William K. Vanderbilt II.

Hempstead Public School District  
185 Peninsula Blvd.
Hempstead, NY 11550
(516) 292-7111

Report Card
Hempstead High School NYS Report Card
Hempstead High School(9-12)
201 President St.
Hempstead, NY 11550
(516) 292-7014
Reginald Stroughn
Schultz School NYS Report Card
Alverta B. Gray Schultz School (6-8)
70 Greenwich St.,
Hempstead, NY 11550
(516) 292-7124
Clarence Williams
Franklin School NYS Report Card
Franklin School (1-6)
335 South Franklin St.
Hempstead, NY 11550
(516) 292-7069
John Moore
Fulton School NYS Report Card
Fulton School (1-6)
40 Fulton Ave.
Hempstead, NY 11550
(516) 292-7079
Regina Armstrong
Jackson Main School NYS Report Card
Jackson School (4-6)
451 Jackson St.
Hempstead, NY 11550
(516) 292-7082
Eileen Kilbride
Ludlum School NYS Report Card
Ludlum School (1-6)
176 William St.
Hempstead, NY 11550
(516) 292-7088
Jean Bligen
Prospect School (1-6)
265 Peninsula Blvd.
Hempstead, NY 11550

Jackson Annex School Report Card Jackson Annex (1-3)
380 Jackson St.
Hempstead, NY 11550
(516) 292-7086
Arthur Spitzli
Marguerite Golden Rhodes School (1-5)
270 Washington St.
Hempstead, NY 11550

Hempstead Early Childhood Center
NYS Report Card
Early Childhood Center 436 Front St.
Hempstead, NY 11550
(516) 489-2424
  Marshall Street Pre-K Center
15 E. Marshall Street
Hempstead, NY 11550
516 292 7111  Ext 4600
  Hempstead Pre-K Program
120 Greenwich Street
Hempstead NY 11550
516 292 7113

Private Schools

Sacred Heart Academy
47 Cathedral Avenue
Hempstead, NY 11550
Sister Jeanne Marie Ross, CSJ, Principal


New Frontier Montessori School
35 Fulton Avenue
Hempstead, NY 11550

Colleges and Universities

Hofstra University
Hempstead Turnpike
Hempstead, NY 11549-1000


Contact information
Knights of Columbus/ Columbiettes Hempstead Lodge #1241
P.O. Box 105
Hempstead, NY 11550
Grand Knight, Mr. John Mallon
516 483-0200
Nassau County Youth Board 40 Main Street
Hempstead, NY 11550
(516) 572-1384
George Siberón, Executive Director
Civic Associations
Concerned Citizens Civic Association 476 Front Street
Hempstead, NY 11550
Fannie Davis
516 489 5460
Hempstead Country Club Estates
Civic Association
140 Long Drive
Hempstead, NY 11550
President, Elaine Nolan
Coordinating Council of Civic Associations for Hempstead 85 Vermont Avenue
Hempstead, NY 11550
President, Bill Hughs
Duncan Estates 75 Meadowbrook Road
Hempstead, NY 11550
President, Greg Garvin
Hispanic Organizations
Nassau County Coordinating Agency for Spanish Americans 40 Main Street
Hempstead, NY 11550
Marianela Jordan, Exec Dr
516 572 0750
Hispanic Counseling Center, Inc. 344 Fulton Avenue,
Hempstead, NY 11550
(516) 538-2613
Executive Director, Gladys Serrano
Hempstead Hispanic Civic Association 236 Main Street
Hempstead, NY 11550
(516) 292-0007
George Siberon, Executive Director,
Hispanic Economic Opportunity Program 134 Jackson Street
Hempstead, NY 11550
(516) 486 2800
American Legion, Gomillion-Campbell Post #1488 174 Westbury Boulevard
Hempstead, NY 11550
American Legion Gomillion-Campbell Post #1488 Ladies Auxiliary 174 Westbury Blvd.
Hempstead, NY 11550
American Legion Post #390 160 Marvin Road
Hempstead, NY 11550
(516) 486-9532/post
Commander, Victor Kopitsch
American Legion Ladies Auxiliary, Post #390 160 Marvin Road
Hempstead, NY 11550
Town of Hempstead Department of Senior Enrichment 200 North Franklin Street
Hempstead, NY 11550
(516) 485-8100
Johanna Scarlata, First Deputy Commissioner
AARP Hempstead/Roosevelt #5234 Hempstead Library
115 Nichols Court
Hempstead, NY 11550
4th Tuesday, 12:00pm
Hempstead Senior Community Service
40 Washington Street
Hempstead, New York
Eileen Walsh, Director
516 565 1568
Uniondale Hempstead Senior Center
840 Uniondale Avenue
Uniondale, NY 11553
Coordinator, Harriet Liberman
Little League Hempstead
Hempstead, NY 11550
(516) 483-5307
President, William Robinson
West Hempstead Basketball Association
Hempstead, NY 11550
(516) 486-2153(H)
President, Anthony DiLorenzo

Contact Information
Village of Hempstead Police Department
40 Main Street
Hempstead, NY 11550
(516) 483-6263
Chief, James Russo
Hempstead Public Library
115 Nichols Court
Hempstead, NY 11550
(516) 481-6990
Director, Ms. Irene Duszkiewicz
Hempstead Volunteer Fire Department 75 Clinton St.
Hempstead, NY 11550
Phone:(516)478 6357
Emergency Dial:(516)486-0012

Nassau County
Nassau County Executive Tom Suozzi
1 West Street
Mineola, NY 11501

Hempstead Town Hall (click)
Supervisor Kate Murray
One Washington Street
Hempstead, NY 11550
(516) 489-5000

Incorporated Village of Hempstead (click)
Mayor Wayne Hall
99 Nichols Court
Hempstead, NY 11550

Hempstead Chamber of Commerce
PO Box 4264
1776 Nicholas Court
Hempstead, NY 11550
(516) 292 5100

African-American Museum
110 North Franklin Street
Hempstead, NY 11550
(516) 572-0730
A museum which explores the history and contributions of the African-American community on Long Island and throughout the country.

Hofstra Museum
Hofstra University

1000 Hempstead Turnpike
Hempstead, NY 11550
Open: Tues.-Fri., 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Sat. & Sun., 1:00-5:00 p.m. (Summer and Holiday hours vary)
An art museum which includes a number of galleries displaying a variety of artwork of many periods and styles.

Rochelle & Irwin Lowenfeld Hall Gallery
Hofstra University
Axinn Library 10th Floor
(516) 463-5672
Exhibitions from Hofstra's permanent collection. Temporary exhibits.

Hofstra University
Calkins Hall
(516) 463-5474
Works of fine arts students and faculty are displayed in the gallery.

Hofstra University
(516) 463-5672
Exhibits are from museums and private collections all over the country. From classical to contemporary art. Permanent collection contains pieces from all different periods and ethnographic areas: African, Oceanic, Pre-Colombian, Oriental, East Indian and Melanesian. Temporary exhibits.

Hofstra University
(516) 463-5672
48 pieces of sculpture throughout 132-acre campus. Permanent displays by Henry Moore, Ibram Lassaw, etc. Changing exhibits by renowned artists, i.e. Seymour Lipton and Arthur Gibbons. Includes Long Island Hall of Fame Sculpture Collection. Guided tours on request can be combined with arboretum tours.

Hofstra University
Hempstead Tpke.
9th Fl., Joan and Donald E. Axinn Library
Hempstead, NY 11549

Hofstra University
(516) 463-6815
Beginning in May, walking tours will be given by appointment to interested individuals and groups. Hofstra University campus has been officially designated a National Arboretum. The Arboretum features over 7,000 trees representing almost 230 different species and varieties. Bird sanctuary-2 acre site.

Saint George's Episcopal Church
319 Front Street
Hempstead, NY 11550
This church was founded in 1648, and the present building was built in 1822. It is on the National Register of Historic Places.

Hempstead Beacon
5 Centre Street
Hempstead, NY 11550

Editor: Pete Hoegl

Community Journal
315 Nassau Road
Roosevelt NY 11575